
6th AgriChemWhey Consortium Meeting

The 6th AgriChemWhey (ACW) Consortium meeting took place on Friday 17th July 2020 via teleconference (screenshot below).

Representatives from all 11 project partners and work packages participated in the meeting. Each partner presented updates on their ongoing work and shared their plans for the next 6 months.

The main focus of discussions was the impact of COVID-19 to date, and its anticipated impact over the next 6 months and implementation of associated mitigation strategies. As expected, some work especially lab-based activities, was stopped or delayed due to local lockdowns in respective partner countries. Travel restrictions have also prevented site visits between partners. However, with restrictions easing and social distancing approaches employed this has allowed most activities to resume and project partners are hoping that over the next 6 months work will catch up to ensure deliverables due in 2021 and 2022 are fulfilled as planned. The consortium will continue to liaise regularly with each other and the ACW project officer over the next few months to ensure and maintain progress.

Communication and dissemination activities were also discussed and although the ACW project has been well represented at many events and conferences up until March 2020, this has been severely limited due to COVID-19 so activities will move online until restrictions are lifted.

The consortium welcomed new team members Claire Flanagan (PNO) and Rodrigo Arandi-Klee (GreenWin).

An interim project meeting is planned for September and the next consortium meeting will take place in December 2020.